Psychonauts 2: Rich Mom for GOTY

Art by Jeff Delgado

In 2015, ten years following the release of the critically acclaimed Psychonauts, game studio Double Fine announced that a long-awaited sequel was in development. I was fortunate enough to be present at the Microsoft Theater (Game Awards) alongside my husband, James when this news broke. Since the first Psychonauts game, James — a die-hard fan — has vocally advocated for and sung the merits of this often overlooked masterpiece. Little did he know that his zealous fandom and championing would lead a crowdsourced campaign for him to have a voice role in Psychonauts 2. James jokingly offered to voice any character available — “even a toilet”.

The team at Double Fine are as generous as they are talented, and offered James a much larger role than a sentient porcelain bowl. Even more, they offered ME a chance to voice a character alongside him, which was truly surreal and humbling.

Recording VO for Rich Mom and Dad was extremely fun, and the team at Double Fine was so supportive and kind during the process. Double Fine is without a doubt a comedic giant in the games industry; not only was it a true pleasure to perform their words, but an honor to be part of such a special game.

Psychonauts 2 is now available to play on PS4/Xbox/PC/Mac